Becky Wilde Book and Coffee

Wilde Rambling… June 2023

Hi all,

Just a quick ramble about what I’ve been up to.

My first self-published book was released on AmazonKobo, Barnes and Noble and of course on Whimsical Words Publishing on the 16th of June. If you haven’t read Bratva Connection: Maxim pick up a copy from one of the platforms above.

Thank you to everyone who bought my book. If you did purchase Bratva Connection: Maxim, I would really appreciate it if you would leave a review. I value constructive criticism so I can improve, it is also a way for others to find my book on those platforms.

We made the book cover ourselves using a software platform and I love it.

As the release date drew closer and closer, I was so excited and nervous at the same time. Publishing one’s own work is a lot of work and also nerve wracking.

Bratva Connection: Maxim Book 1 by Becky Wilde

My husband has been awesome and I wish I could have shouldered some of the load by setting everything all the computer stuff up, but I’m sure you’re all aware I’m not very technologically savvy.

For months after work and on weekends my amazing man sat at his PC, set up a couple of websites and worked out how to do what was needed for me to publish my own books. Thankfully he has done an internet marketing course and he enjoys doing all this stuff even if at times it can be in his words, “frustrating”.

Hopefully, now that most of the hard work is done, things won’t be so busy for my husband.

I am planning on delivering this newsletter monthly. My thinking at this stage is to deliver a monthly wrap-up on the last Friday of that month. I know I missed that on this one, but we are still having technical complications that will hopefully iron out with regularity.

The format is not yet locked in. If you have any suggestions don’t hesitate to email me so I can see what you would like to read. I used to provide a reading recommendation as well as a book release update. I guess it will build and develop over time.

More Books

I’ve actually just finished writing the third instalment in my new series.

The second book is titled Bratva Connection: Boris.

The third story is titled Bratva Connection: Valentin.

I have a lot of work ahead of me, editing the stories not once, twice but three to four times. There are book covers to create and release dates to set.

I’m not sure when those dates will be just yet but I will keep you informed.

This is totally left field but I’ve also got a hankering to write a children’s book which I also want to self-publish under a different pseudonym to Becky Wilde.

Not sure what that will be as yet but I’ll think of something.

I actually wrote a chapter of a kid’s book a while ago but then the urge to write romance took hold and was too strong to ignore.

Going Forward

Not much has been happening here with us Downunder, other than work, work and more work.

My man and I are planning a camping trip away at the end of August, or early September.

We’re not sure exactly where we will be going, but we’ve decided to explore South Australia a bit more. I can’t wait to share this with you.

The capital of SA is Adelaide and we’ve been there numerous times over the years.

We’ve also travelled through SA without stopping much other than to sleep on our way to visit Uluru, but since we were time constrained because of work—which is the same as everyone else—we didn’t get time to stop and do the touristy things until we reached the Northern Territory. The trip home was pretty quick too. One day we have plans to work and travel at the same time but that probably won’t be anytime soon.

This time we’re just going to tour around the coast of SA beyond Adelaide and maybe further inland weather depending and our own spontaneity.

Stay safe, sane, happy and healthy.

Love Becky Wilde xxoo.

Contact me at: [email protected]

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River side Bush Camp Sunset